

When we think of the word “success,” we usually think of it in a materialistic sense. Success from the world’s point of view is money, houses, cars, investments, jewelry; all things that add up to our net worth. However, when we think of the word from a spiritual point of view, it means something entirely different.

“But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control.” Gal. 5:3  This is a completely different interpretation of success. If we are the Lord’s, our lives are supposed to produce a kind of spiritual fruit that can be seen and experienced by those we come in contact with. Our fruit should affect the world around us in a positive way; it will be a natural outgrowth of the way we live our lives.

As fruit inspectors of our own lives, we see areas where we have grown and areas that are in need of some work. In order to grow spiritually, we must cultivate those things that will help us develop in the right direction. Spending time with other believers in church and listening to sermons is helpful, but there are a few other things that will definitely help us grow strong and mature in a healthy way. 

When we let our roots go deep into God’s Word and spend time in His Presence, we are able to soak up the nourishment we need in order to produce an abundant harvest. Unfortunately, the things we need most are the hardest to come by. Finding quiet time in such a noisy world is difficult to say the least. Difficult yes, but not impossible to do if we are creative and intentional.

When we shuffle off this mortal coil, and we all will one day, we want to have been a success. We want our family and friends to have partaken of the fruit of our lives and to savor its flavor when we are gone. We also want The Ultimate Fruit Inspector to see that we took advantage of the things He made available for us to grow and produce an abundant harvest during our sojourn here. 

Image by Lunix2004. Courtesy of Pixabay

27 thoughts on “Success

  1. “When we let our roots go deep into God’s Word and spend time in His Presence, we are able to soak up the nourishment we need in order to produce an abundant harvest. ”
    This is so very true. As I have been battling with depression this past year, one of the first things to go is my desire for the word. Then it spirals from there. Though as I spend time in earnest prayer and confession with my wife, she helps me get back into it. As I slowly get back into studying His word, the desire and hunger grows. I just have to learn that when I am “down” I must keep the momentum going.

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    • So sorry about the depression this past year. We all have times when it is a slog to get into the Word. We certainly don’t feel like it. The more we are in it, the more we hunger for it. It truly is alive and when we take it in, it goes deep into our souls and brings healing. Bless you and your wife for staying at it! 🌷


  2. Valerie, this is beautifully written and 100% truth from the heart of our Father. My favorite line is this one: “When we let our roots go deep into God’s Word and spend time in His Presence, we are able to soak up the nourishment we need in order to produce an abundant harvest.”

    It wasn’t until a few years back that I was introduced to “soaking” in the presence of God – while listening to music created for this very purpose. Simply resting in the love of God has done more in my life than decades of what I had been taught religiously.

    It is truly the character of God and the love of Christ that changes our hearts. We are the branch and He is the vine. Apart from Him, we are hopeless! 🙂 This wonderful post of yours serves as the perfect reminder to stay connected to the Life bearer in us! Amen! 🙏🏼

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  3. I’m not shuffling off any time soon, will go kicking and screaming. WHY? God knows that I have souch more to do.
    Yesterday a friend helped me add to my collection of Hymns. Raised. Lifted up and Blessed. We just need to find the moments amongst the busyness of life for Him and ourselves. After all, he will not forsake nor forget us. 🤗

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  4. I agree to your point that most of us just measure success in materialistic sense. But you have taken a beautiful example to justify the actual meaning of success. Vert inspirational. Thanks 🙂

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