
Re-Gifting…no matter how you feel about it, most of us have done it. I know I certainly have. I am a minimalist and have received many gifts over the years that I wouldn’t use. Most were really nice and I knew people who would love to have them. Passing them on seemed like the perfect opportunity to put those presents to good use. Several years ago, I began a little “store” in one of my closets. I would put those gifts and other great buys I found during the year there. When I needed a gift, I would go into my store and find the perfect gift to give.

During this Christmas Season, it seems like another opportunity to re-gift some of those nice things that I have been given during the year. When I look in my “store” I am only finding intangibles to give this year. Hm-m-m, what should I do?

The first gift I see when I look into my store is “Forgiveness.” I have received Forgiveness from others during the year and it seems only right to give that to those needing it. The second gift I see is “Acceptance.” So many people have Accepted me the way I am and surely I can be gracious enough to pass that along can’t I? As I look deeper into my “store,” I find gifts that the Lord has given me that I know He would like me to give to others. He would like me to share His kindness with others, and for sure, His compassion. He would also like me to share His Story. The Story about how He sent His Son to this earth to die for our sins and give those who believe in Him eternal life.

Re-Gifting….how do you feel about it? Does it have a place in your gift giving this season? Perhaps you are not into re-gifting tangible items but what about the intangibles? Some of them can be absolutely priceless!

22 thoughts on “Re-Gifting

  1. Hehe! I have re-gifted. Sometimes it works and other times it is more a white elephant deal. I have a painting that has made the rounds and since COVID it has been stuck at my house. As soon as we start the family “gift” exchange it can move on to another member’s house! As for the intangibles – I try to share those all the time because holding them in reserve for Christmas seems grinchy to me…

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  2. Thank you very much for keeping forgiveness and kindness in your store.I shall also try to have more of forgiveness and compassion.It is a great idea indeed to value these abstract things which are truly the necessities of human life.God bless.Take care.

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