Just Answer the Call!

person holding telephone illustration

Photo by axel grollemund on Pexels.com

Have you ever been in the supermarket and someone gets a call on their cellphone and won’t answer it? The phone just keeps ringing and ringing and we all want to say, “Just answer the call!”

It’s that same way with people who are running from God. They try this, that and the other thing and nothing quite works out for them. Nothing seems to satisfy their deepest needs. They might try drugs, alcohol, sex, work, material things, and relationships but nothing gives them the peace they are looking for. Those of us closest to them want to say, “Just answer the call!”

Why? Because we remember what it was like for us before we found the Lord. We were no different and certainly no better. Do you wonder if God is trying to call you? Or do you know for sure that it is Him, and that is why you won’t answer the call? You know, we are not guaranteed that He will keep trying forever.

Are you one of those that thinks that God has quit calling you? Have you ever checked your messages from Him? Check them. You will hear several: “Call me, I am waiting to talk to you,” I sent my Son to die for you,” and the best one, “I love you, in spite of who you are and what you have done.”

Do you wonder if He will answer if you call Him back? Will He be too busy talking to someone else? Let’s see what He has to say about it…”For whoever calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved,” Romans 10:13. His words, not mine.

What if you answered the call before, but you have turned away? Will He reject you? Can He still use you after all you’ve done? When we turn back to Him, we find that “the gifts and calling of God are irrevocable,” Romans 11:29.

You know, if might just be time to answer that call. Can you hear your phone ringing? I can…

16 thoughts on “Just Answer the Call!

  1. Avoiding the call is self destructive and avoids the only true source and hope for human happiness. There is not only no better option but no other option without exception. Or as St Augustine wrote perfectly 1,600 years ago, “Oh Lord, You made us for Yourself, and our heart is restless until it rests in You.”
    Thanks for writing this…

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