Sonlight Sensitivity

clouds dawn desert landscape

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As a child, I suffered from a condition called “Sunlight Sensitivity.” When I spent too much time in the sun, I would break out in hives. From the time I was about five, I had to take Benedryl every night before bed, even in the winter time. In the summer, I would have to wear a hat and put a special cream on the area where I would break out. When I was a teenager, my allergy doctor read that possibly certain shots would help my condition. He wanted to know if I was willing to try them. I was and so I took the series of shots, and voila! I was able to spend time in the sun without adverse effects.  

As a young adult, I suffered from a different kind of  “Sunlight Sensitivity.” I was raised in a town that got about three hundred days of sunlight a year. Dark cloudy days were at a minimum and there were only about two weeks in the winter that were really dark. I was used to living in an environment where it was really bright outside. When I moved to cities that had a different climate, i.e. were rainy and grey most of the time, I did not do well. I felt “off” and not really myself. When I would return home I felt normal again when I was in the sunlight. Even today, when it is a really dark day outside, I turn on lots of lights in the house to get a certain level of light in my environment.

Now, I suffer from “Sonlight Sensitivity,” a spiritual form of the condition. If I do not spend enough time with the Son in the Light of his Word, I can suffer from symptoms of impatience, intolerance, a lack of vision, and a real absence of joy. In other words, I am not the person I want to be and I am sure I am not that pleasant to be around. I need the Light of the Son to brighten my days and the Wisdom of His Word to guide me so that I don’t make bad decisions and end up on the wrong path. 

What about you? Do you suffer from Sunlight or Sonlight Sensitivity?

“Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.” Psalm 119:105

33 thoughts on “Sonlight Sensitivity

  1. Great post, Valerie. I understand the lack of Sunlight and Sonlight too. We live in one of the rainiest places. I use a S.A.D light, but it’s still a poor substitute for the real deal. Same goes for anything we substitute for Jesus. 😊 You can’t beat the real thing.

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  2. I LOVE this! I’m practicing “heliotropism” the motion of plants in following the sun. It helps the plant maintain surface warmth, which attracts pollinators, like bees. Which helps seed production. So if we follow the Son, we receive his warmth to pollinate those around us and produce seeds for the glory of His Kingdom! Shine on sister!

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  3. Excellent post and observations Valerie. I’m with you on the “Sonlight sensitivity” and it seems to increase or I am becoming more aware, as I get older. Prayer and time in God’s Word are absolutes that set the pattern for everything else that happens next. I am thankful for that “sensitivity”. God’s grace, peace and blessings on you and yours! – Bruce

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  4. I am fair and burn when I’m in sun for more than ~15 min without sunscreen (SPF100). On the other hand being with the Son is certainly a healing balm (better than aloe for those spiritual burns)…

    Liked by 3 people

  5. I suffered from SAD (seasonal affective disorder) when I lived in Ohio for most of my life! Now I suffer from LQPT (lack of quiet prayer time) if I don’t keep on top of it and stop and listen to the Lord!

    Good one Val!

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  6. Perfect analogy! Yes, I do need “Sonlight” and am very sensitive when I am in need. I get all out of sorts – cranky, impatient, emotionally tired, etc. May we set aside that time, to receive the nourishment, light and strength that only our Lord Jesus can give!

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  7. Amen! We all need the power of God’s Spirit in our lives to stay on the right path and to have the right attitude, etc.. We need those alone times with God to get refreshed in our spirits so we can do the will of God for our lives. Great analogy, Valerie. Thanks!


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