Two Soldiers on a Train

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Have you ever been on a train, subway or bus when two soldiers got on? Immediately you feel safer, you just kind of breathe a sigh of relief. There are a few things you know instinctively when you see them. You know they are warriors, well trained in the art of war. You know they will not hesitate to protect the people if there is any kind of problem. You also know they will lay their lives down willingly in order to defend each person from any kind of attack.

They are a good visual for us, making us feel safer. We can see them and even touch them if we are close enough. It’s different with angelic warriors, sent to protect us. We pray and ask God to send His angels to guard us but we are unable to see them and touch them. Are they just as real as the human soldiers we see? Are they as strong and powerful? Indeed, they are.fantasy-3313964_640Image by Stefan Keller. Courtesy of Pixabay.

In Scripture, we read example after example where God sent His angels to protect and defend people, cities and nations from attack. These spiritual beings are not the cute cherubs we see portrayed in art. They are warriors, well able to protect those they watch over. We can be confident when we ask God to send His holy angels to help us that He will do just that. You can count on it.

There is an enlightening story in Scripture. The king of Syria sent his army to Dothan to capture the prophet Elisha. When Elisha’s servant got up in the morning he was afraid when he saw the Syrian army surrounding the city. He asked Elisha what should they do. Elisha answered, “Do not fear, for those who are with us are more than those who are with them.” And Elisha prayed, and said, “Lord, I pray open his eyes that he may see.” Then the Lord opened the eyes  of the young man, and he saw. AND BEHOLD, THE MOUNTAIN WAS FULL OF HORSES AND CHARIOTS OF FIRE ALL AROUND ELISHA. 2 Kings 6: 16-17

Remember: Just because you cannot see something does not mean it is not real. Have faith. You will be surprised what God will do for you!

18 thoughts on “Two Soldiers on a Train

  1. Very good parallel. The real sense of safety we feel when we face soldiers or policemen is more on the material plane, whether in relation to life, the goods we carry or possess. And they are trained according to a vision or government or state in relation to material and patrimonial security. The armies of God are supported in love, in generosity, in comfort, in spirit, in faith. We feel at peace when we feel the presence of God’s soldiers are with us. This, however, does not mean that government or state soldiers do not have human principles. Just that they are, I repeat, trained for the defense of matter. And every day I pray for them because in our defense many lose their lives. Are, like us, human beings. I really liked the text.

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  2. I love this post, Valerie! I recently read that story from 2 Kings in my daily Bible reading and paused to take in the magnitude of it. Praise God, He brought that all back to me, through you! What an excellent analogy between the protection of soldiers and the spiritual protection of angels. I appreciate how you clarified Biblical angels from the cutesy angels used in artwork. Big difference! Oh God, give us spirit-eyes to see your heavenly work being accomplished today!

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  3. Valerie, what an awesome post! Isn’t it amazing how Holy Spirit prompts us to write a profound message from a visual or experiential prompt?

    This is such a beautiful reminder that we are not fighting alone. The battle belongs to the Lord. Our fight is to rest in knowing that He already gave us the victory. What a powerful truth that is. Such safety comes in knowing that our God is still in control, even in the midst of chaos.

    Love this! Thank you so much sis for spreading the hope and promises of Father God 🌹

    Love, Holly

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